The Big LAN 15

January 18th 2025
Doors Open 11AM

The Big LAN 15

January 18th 2025
Doors Open 11AM

Come on down to THE BIG LAN, a full day LAN party filled with tournaments, esports, gaming, and Blood on the Clocktower! Bring along your PC and plug into our network for heaps of games with loads of prizes.

8-12 Simla St, Mitcham VIC 3132. Lots of on site parking available and PT just around the corner!

This is an 18+ alcohol free event. Players under 18 require a parent or guardian present for the duration of the event.

Thank you to everyone who attended and congratulations to our winners!

Arrive & Setup
Arrive at least an hour before the first tournament you'd like to join
Arrive at least an hour before the first tournament you'd like to join
Sign Up
We'll take sign ups in person when the tournament is scheduled to start
We'll take sign ups in person when the tournament is scheduled to start


Click each tournament listing for more details

games are available on demand all day, server is available all day with entries closing at 8PM.

Blood on the Clocktower

Clocktower Promo

Entry with any ticket, all equipment and storyteller provided. Just grab your friends, join the circle, and work together to find the evil traitors before it's too late!

Games start on demand all day. Listen out for announcements for when the next game is starting.

Bring The Most Friends

Bring the most Friends Promo

When you arrive at the event and sign in, we'll ask you who brought you. At the end of the night whoever brought the most people will win a RX 6600 XT 8GB Graphics Card thanks to our friends at Super Stack IT ! Make sure to gather all your friends and secure yourself the perfect GPU for your next LAN machine!


The Big LAN is more than just tournaments.

If you're looking to play a game that's not on our schedule, that's ok! Just grab your friends, make some new ones, and dive into some LAN classics. The Big LAN recommends:

Please note that recommended freeplay games may not be cached on all services

Bring Your Own PC Ticket

A Bring Your Own PC (BYO PC) ticket lets you access everything The Big LAN has to offer. Your ticket includes a seat at one of our rows of tables, an ethernet (network) cable that is already linked into our network, two power points (one for your PC and one for your monitor), and a 3'x3' space to set up all your equipment in. You can connect any device you'd like including a laptop, desktop, Xbox, PlayStation, ROG Ally, Steam Deck, or Nintendo Switch, however a Windows based PC is recommended to get the most out of the day.

Wi-Fi is available, however we recommend ensuring your device either has an ethernet port or you bring a basic USB to ethernet adapter.


Spectator Ticket

Spectator tickets let you access the event, watch the action, and play Blood on the Clocktower. You won't be able to join the LAN or compete in PC tournaments. A spectator ticket is best for parents/guardians of players and includes lunch and dinner.



Every ticket includes a sausage sizzle lunch and a Costco pizza dinner. If you have dietary requirements please let us know before the event via Facebook, Discord, or Email.

Looking for more snacks and drinks? Our tuck shop is open all day selling soft drinks, potato cakes, chicken nuggets, jam doughnuts, and lots more.


Dinner & Raffle

Every ticket includes a sausage sizzle lunch and a Costco pizza dinner. If you have dietary requirements please let us know before the event via Facebook, Discord, or Email.

Looking for more snacks and drinks? Our tuck shop is open all day selling soft drinks, potato cakes, chicken nuggets, jam doughnuts, and lots more.


Every major event we host a huge raffle in support of one of our favorite charities. Tickets are just $1 each and can be bought throughout the event. 100% of all ticket sales go to charity!


First prize in the charity raffle is a Gigabyte G34WQC Ultrawide Gaming Monitor!
Plus lots of runner up prizes.

Bring The Most Friends

Bring the most Friends Promo

When you arrive at the event and sign in, we'll ask you who brought you. Just enter the name of the person you'd like to win the prize.

At dinner we'll announce who brought the most people and they will win a RX 6600 XT 8GB Graphics Card thanks to our friends at Super Stack IT ! Make sure to gather all your friends and secure yourself the perfect GPU for your next LAN machine!

Please note the card pictured is an example only, provided card may be an alternate brand and shroud design while meeting the same specs and form factor.

All ticket types apply, including spectators, however for someone to be counted they must sign in to the event in person on the day.

GPUs are refurbished units.

Board Games

Grab a game from our library and set yourself up with friends old and new!


Golf With Your Friends

Collisions on chaos and jumping galore in everyone's favourite golf game!


Winner gets an extra spin of our prize wheel, featuring the chance to win RX 6600 XT 8GB GPUs and so much more!

Halo Master Chief Collection

Jump into a mix of popular free for all modes across Halo Reach and Halo 3 including Slayer, Fiesta, and Oddball. We'll have a winner per server for the warm up games, and take the top 3-4 of each server in the major tournament into a final for the grand prize.

Looking to play a different map? We'll take a quick vote per server on the day.


First place takes home a Gigabyte M32UC Gaming Monitor!
Plus lots of runner up prizes.

Round Game Mode Map
1 Halo 3 FFA Oddball The Pit
2 Halo 3 FFA Fiesta Slayer Last Resort
3 Halo 3 FFA Slayer (AR&BR) Guardian

Tips & Help

Switching to LAN
  1. Select "Options and Career" in the bottom left corner
  2. Select "Settings" at the bottom of the menu
  3. Select " Network" on the top row of menu options
  4. Press the arrow next to "Xbox Live" to change it to "LAN"
  5. Press back at the bottom left of the screen
  6. When prompted press "Save Settings"
  7. On the main menu press the button at the top right of the screen next to your name and rank
  8. From the menu that appears on the right of the screen select the player you need to join and pick "join".
Checking Installs
  1. Select "Options and Career" in the bottom left corner
  2. Select "Settings" at the bottom of the menu
  3. Select "Gameplay" on the top row of menu options
  4. Select the options below each game for the components you need
  5. Press accept in the bottom left of the screen
  6. The download will start and appear at the top of the main menu. If the download is running slowly ask The Big LAN team for help.

Please note only Halo Reach multiplayer is installed by default.

Halo: Custom Edition - FFA Slayer

The ultimate Halo Combat Evolved experience that anyone can join. Jump into free for all slayer on a classic map with assault rifle and pistol starts. First to 50 kills or the leading player after 30 minutes wins the prize. We'll kick things off with a few warm up rounds for the first half hour before breaking the field down into two servers (depending on total attendance) to battle it out. The top players from each server will then progress into the finals.

You can download Halo Custom Edition here. Please note Halo: Custom Edition will only run on Windows PCs.


Winner gets an extra spin of our prize wheel, featuring the chance to win RX 6600 XT 8GB GPUs and so much more!

Tips & Help

FoV Modifier

When installing the game a mod is offered to give a Field of View (FoV) controller. Installing this file as per the instructions below may cause errors with certain graphics card drivers. If a “HAC error” occurs when booting the game delete the additional dll added to the controls folder.

Joining a LAN server

If you are running the game but can’t see the servers, ensure the game is allowed through your local firewall. If that doesn’t work, ensure all Network Interfaces are disabled except the one you are using. Failing that select the “Join via IP” option and ask The Big LAN staff for the address.

Quake 3 Arena

The king of arena shooters. We'll have dedicated Free for all Deathmatch servers on the LAN ready to go, and you can vote on the maps you'd like to play. We'll kick things off with a few warm up rounds for the first half hour before breaking the field down into two servers (depending on total attendance) to battle it out. The top players from each server will then progress into the finals.


Winner gets an extra spin of our prize wheel, featuring the chance to win RX 6600 XT 8GB GPUs and so much more!

Tips & Help

If you're at the event you can download a complete, ready to run copy of Quake 3 Arena from our file server.

If you're using the steam version of Quake 3 Arena you'll need to install the v1.32e patch to join our server. You can download it from moddb here or ask the tech team to help you on the day. If you already have 1.32e installed you're good to go! Just boot the game, press the ~ key, and check your version in the bottom right of the resulting window.

Counter Strike 2

Arms Race

Race against the room to get to the golden knife in this classic mode!


First place takes home a ROG Falchion Ace Keyboard!
Plus lots of runner up prizes.

Tips & Help

Joining a CS2 LAN game
  1. On the top menu select 'Play'
  2. Select the image of a globe with a mouse pointer (next to 'Practice').
  3. A new window will open. Select 'Counter Strike 2' in the top right dropdown.
  4. Select the LAN tab and then select the game you'd like to join.
No games in the LAN lobby
  1. Make sure the game is allowed through your firewall
  2. Try switching TheBigLAN network to "Private" rather than "Public" by selecting "Network & Internet Settings" under the network option from the task bar, selecting TheBigLAN, and choosing "Private".
  3. Try disabling all network interfaces besides the one you are trying to use. For example, CSGO will default to your first ethernet port for server advertisements regardless of if you are on Wi-Fi or a secondary interface.
  4. Try connecting directly to the server via IP. The tech desk will be able to help you do this.


FFA - Last player standing! Top players in each server head to a final round to decide the winner.

In Retrocycles, you ride a bizarre vehicle that can never stop and leaves a deadly trail behind. In the most basic game mode, you can only make sudden right angle turns and are trapped with others in an inescapable arena. The last survivor wins!


Winner gets an extra spin of our prize wheel, featuring the chance to win RX 6600 XT 8GB GPUs and so much more!

Counter Strike 2


Grab your partner in arms and get ready for 2v2 Counter Strike. Double elimination brackets of default competitive Wingman settings, best of 16 rounds with overtime.
The Big LAN aims to maintain competitive rules while making this tournament accessable to new players. As such the map will default to Inferno for each game. Teams can discuss alternate maps they'd rather use per match and on agreement The Big LAN staff will configure the server accordingly.

Servers will be listed on the LAN with names matching the pairings (e.g. Team #1 vs Team #2).


First place team takes home two AOC 24G15N 180Hz Gaming Monitors!
Plus lots of runner up prizes.

Tips & Help

Joining a CS2 LAN game
  1. On the top menu select 'Play'
  2. Select the image of a globe with a mouse pointer (next to 'Practice').
  3. A new window will open. Select 'Counter Strike 2' in the top right dropdown.
  4. Select the LAN tab and then select the game you'd like to join.
No games in the LAN lobby
  1. Make sure the game is allowed through your firewall
  2. Try switching TheBigLAN network to "Private" rather than "Public" by selecting "Network & Internet Settings" under the network option from the task bar, selecting TheBigLAN, and choosing "Private".
  3. Try disabling all network interfaces besides the one you are trying to use. For example, CSGO will default to your first ethernet port for server advertisements regardless of if you are on Wi-Fi or a secondary interface.
  4. Try connecting directly to the server via IP. The tech desk will be able to help you do this.

Rocket League

Rocket League Doubles

Double Elimination Tournament
Entry welcome on all hardware types and all controller types, however please note console versions of the game do not support LAN play and The Big LAN cannot promise equivalent performance to LAN when playing via an online server

Game Mode: SOCCAR
Team Size: 2v2
Bot Difficulty: NO BOTS


Preset Settings: CUSTOM
Match Length: 5 MINUTES
Series Length: 3 GAMES
Game Speed: DEFAULT
Ball Max Speed: DEFAULT
Ball Type: DEFAULT
Ball Size: DEFAULT
Ball Bounciness: DEFAULT
Boost Amount: DEFAULT
Rumble: NONE
Boost Strength: 1X
Gravity: DEFAULT
Demolist: DEFAULT
Respawn Time: 3 SECONDS


First place team takes home two ROG Strix Impact III gaming mice!
Plus lots of runner up prizes.


Fastest Time

Join our LAN server and set a lap time throughout the day, just drop in and out as you please! The fastest time by 8PM will win.


Winner gets an extra spin of our prize wheel, featuring the chance to win RX 6600 XT 8GB GPUs and so much more!

Call of Duty

2V2 Gunfight

We're thrilled to announce Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is being added to the roster for The Big LAN XIV! Gunfight consists of 2 teams of 2, with the first team to wins 6 rounds winning the game. Players get a new randomised loadout each round, with everyone getting the same weapons.

Best of three games wins the match.

The Big LAN aims to maintain competitive rules while making this tournament accessable to new players. As such the recommended default map for each game will be Babylon, however teams can discuss alternate maps they'd rather use per match and use those on agreement. Maps must be agreed before the round starts.


First place team takes home two Gigabyte M32Q Gaming Monitors!
Plus lots of runner up prizes.

Please note Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is 70+ GB and may not be fully cached for rapid download on your service of choice. Please ensure Call of Duty is installed prior to attending the event. Caching is not possible for PC Gamepass.

Tips & Help

Hosting a private lobby
  1. Select 'All Games' from the top menu and then select 'Black Ops 6'.
  2. Select 'Multiplayer' and then 'Lobby' from the top menu.
  3. Select 'Find Match' in the bottom left of the screen and select 'Private Match'..
  4. Wait for the button in the bottom left to finish loading. It will contain a 5 character long code. Share this to everyone joining your game.
Joining a private lobby
  1. Select 'All Games' from the top menu and then select 'Black Ops 6'.
  2. Select 'Multiplayer' and then 'Lobby' from the top menu.
  3. Select 'Find Match' in the bottom left of the screen and select 'Private Match'.
  4. Get the 5 character lobby code from your host and enter it to join.

Call of Duty

FFA Deathmatch

We're thrilled to announce Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is being added to the roster for The Big LAN XIV! We'll kick things off with a few warm up rounds before breaking the field down into two servers (depending on total attendance) to battle it out. The top players from each server will then progress into the finals.

Maps will be selected by popular vote.


First place takes home an AOC 24G15N 180Hz Gaming Monitor!
Plus lots of runner up prizes.

Please note Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is 70+ GB and may not be fully cached for rapid download on your service of choice. Please ensure Call of Duty is installed prior to attending the event. Caching is not possible for PC Gamepass.

Tips & Help

Hosting a private lobby
  1. Select 'All Games' from the top menu and then select 'Black Ops 6'.
  2. Select 'Multiplayer' and then 'Lobby' from the top menu.
  3. Select 'Find Match' in the bottom left of the screen and select 'Private Match'..
  4. Wait for the button in the bottom left to finish loading. It will contain a 5 character long code. Share this to everyone joining your game.
Joining a private lobby
  1. Select 'All Games' from the top menu and then select 'Black Ops 6'.
  2. Select 'Multiplayer' and then 'Lobby' from the top menu.
  3. Select 'Find Match' in the bottom left of the screen and select 'Private Match'.
  4. Get the 5 character lobby code from your host and enter it to join.

Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires FFA Regicide

Classic games of 8 player free for all.


Winner gets an extra spin of our prize wheel, featuring the chance to win RX 6600 XT 8GB GPUs and so much more!

Game Settings

Game Mode: Regicide
Map Style: Standard
Location: Random Map (Land Maps & Water Maps)
Map Size: Giant
AI Difficulty: Hardest
Resources: Standard
Population: 200
Game Speed: Standard
Reveal Map: Normal

Starting Age: Standard
Ending Age: Standard
Treaty Length: <None>
Lock Teams: No
Team Together: Yes
Team Positions: No
Shared Exploration: No
Lock Speed: Yes
Allow Cheats: No
Turbo Mode: No
Full Tech Tree: No
Record Game: Yes

Tips & Help

Joining a LAN game
  1. Select "Multiplayer" on the main menu
  2. Select "Join Custom Game" at the top right of the menu
  3. Select the "Server" drop down on the top right and select the bottom option, "LAN"
  4. Select the game from the list and then click "Join Lobby"
No games in the LAN lobby
  1. Make sure the game is allowed through your firewall
  2. Try switching TheBigLAN network to "Private" rather than "Public" by selecting "Network & Internet Settings" under the network option from the task bar, selecting TheBigLAN, and choosing "Private".
  3. Try connecting directly to the server via a Steam invite from another player. The tech desk will be able to help you do this.

Marvel Rivals

3v3 Conquest


First place team takes home three Logitech POP Keys Wireless Mechanical Keyboards!
Plus lots of runner up prizes.

Joining a game
  1. Select 'PLAY' in the top menu and select 'CHANGE MODE' on the bottom right.
  2. Make sure 'RIVALS' is selected in the top left, then select 'CUSTOM GAME'
  3. Find the game by using the search option at the top of the server browser. Note names are case sensitive.
  4. Select the game, hit join, and enter the password given to you by the host.
Hosting a game
  1. Select 'PLAY' in the top menu and select 'CHANGE MODE' on the bottom right.
  2. Make sure 'RIVALS' is selected in the top left, then select 'CUSTOM GAME'.
  3. Select 'create' in the bottom left.
  4. Select the map image in the bottom right, then hit 'ARCADE' in the top left. Finally, select a conquest map.
  5. Select 'ROOM SETTINGS' and select the 'LOCK ROOM' tick box. Set a password.

Blood on the Clocktower

Clocktower Promo

Blood on the Clocktower is back for The Big LAN XV!

Entry with any ticket, all equipment and storyteller provided. Just grab your friends, join the circle, and work together to find the evil traitors before it's too late!

Games start on demand all day. Listen out for announcements for when the next game is starting.

Local Stream

Check out live gameplay and highlights on our local stream! About to play in a final or do something you want to share? Let The Big LAN staff know and we can connect your PC to our capture machine.

The Big LAN Stream is only available at the event on our local network.

Where possible we will use spectator options via our own devices to stream your game, e.g. Counter Strike 2, rather than mirroring your display directly.

If you'd like to stream your live gameplay directly to our service you'll need a spare HDMI or Display Port connection and a spare USB port. We'll then mirror your screen via a wireless HDMI unit to our server and stream your gameplay. Please note that mirroring your display to our capture device will require you to run your display at 1080p. The Big LAN cannot guarantee this setup will not impact your main display's framerate.


Details coming soon