The Big LAN





Raised for charity

Gamers per event

Games per event

Potato cakes sold

Up Next

LAN 16 Logo

Mitcham, Victoria
3rd May 2025

Join the next iteration of The Big LAN with all your favourite tournaments including Rocket League, Quake, Halo, Counter Strike 2, Blood on the ClockTower, and lots more!

LAN 16 Promo

You Bring

PC or Console

Monitor & Cables

Keyboard & MouseExtras

Games & Accounts

We Bring

Network & Power

Multiplayer Servers

Steam & Epic Cache

Food & Drinks

About Us

The Big LAN is a non-profit, Melbourne based community LAN party and currently the largest LAN event in Australia. Players bring along their consoles or PCs (or rent one from us) and play in tournaments of their favourite games.

Each event offers a range of games from the staples like Rocket League, Counter Strike, Age of Empires, Tetris, and Halo, through to up and coming or old favourites like Altitude, Retro Cycles, and Tricky Towers.

The Big LAN events balance eSports style tournaments with beginner friendly formats to allow you to play no matter your skill level. Each event has a selection of sides and extras including Lego and art tables, VR, board and card games, and crowd favourites like the now famous "Dice Game" and "Mouse Toss".

It looks like you're trying to attend a LAN?

Virtual Reality

The Big LAN has a full set of base stations, controllers, and all the extra gear to run a complete and immersive VR experience thanks to HTC and Zotac. At every event we can setup and manage free play VR games anyone can enjoy including all your VR favourites.


PC Games

Check out what games we are playing at an upcoming event near you via our events page.

Console Games

Check out what games we are playing at an upcoming event near you via our events page.

Creative Areas

Looking for a break from games? The Big LAN events feature side activites including the art corner and Lego corner. Get in touch with your creative side and make something!

Check out what's available at an upcoming event near you via our events page.


Board Games

Go old school with a selection of free play board games from our board games library, then get competitive with our chess tournaments.

Check out what's available at an upcoming event near you via our events page.



We're able to offer fantastic prizes for our tournaments thanks to our sponsors. Some of our previous prizes are shown below

If you'd like to sponsor an event and have your products featured check our about page or contact us via